Monday, May 14, 2012

De la Fuente for, um, some office!

Welcome to Monday!  I hope everyone (especially mothers, but especially my mother) had a great Mother's Day.  I was able to get the front yard back in order over the weekend. The view of our house from the street is no longer obscured by tall grass. Here's proof:
Ignore the weed-infested, bald patch near the curb. The drought last summer was especially tough on the vegetation (like my St. Augustine) closest to the molten hot rivers of asphalt that the streets became in August, and the lawn hasn't fully recovered.  Normally, I would use my talents in deceptive photography to deemphasize something like that, but I needed to get Efrain's yard sign in the shot for blogging purposes (see below).

You may be wondering who Efrain de la Fuente is. He is running in the Democratic primary for district judge. Now you know as much about him as I do. This is one of two political yards signs I came home to find in front of our house a few weeks ago after a solo trip to New Orleans. 

Travis was home alone and was talked into putting up the signs by campaign block-walkers. In the case of Mr. de la Fuente, Trav met the candidate himself. I'm obligated to vote for him now that we're promoting him to the entire neighborhood (and we pull a lot of water around here).

Today, I'll be dealing with the backyard. Our property (all 0.17 acres of it) slopes down toward a creek behind the house so the back takes a little longer to dry out. I could have done that before blogging, but I know how bent out of shape some of my loyal readers get if I am slightest bit late in posting something. I don't want to be held accountable for ruining anyone's entire week by posting late on a Monday. Also, as an unemployed  loafer, I use this blog to squelch the feelings laziness resulting from the work ethic ingrained by my father who is fond of saying "Off your ass and on your feet, out of the shade and in the heat." He's sort of a warrior poet.

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