Thursday, June 21, 2012


Well, I've got nothing this morning. The garden is doing fine. The zinnias are coming up but not blooming yet. The ducks and chickens are carrying on drama-free. 

I do have this picture of some morning sunlight filtering through the morning glories into the garden.
Morning sun on the morning glories
Fortunately, I also have two more reasonably interesting photos from our weekend trip down to the Wild Kingdom. These are the last ones I promise.

A herd of daddy long-legs cuddling
First up, a cluster of daddy long-legs. The only other time I've seen them do anything like this I was walking a hundred feet or so underground in The Longhorn Caverns (or maybe The Natural Bridge Caverns, one limestone cave is much like another). This was the first time I've ever seen them clump up like this above the ground.

I've heard that these are actually extremely venomous, but their mouths are too small to bite anything bigger than tiny bugs. I remember as a kid people would let a daddy long-legs climb around on their arms and stuff. Not me, of course. I find all spiders disturbing, and I would punch anyone who tried to put one on my arm in the face.

My goal with that daddy long-legs pictures was to gross you out a bit so that you'll appreciate this next picture all the more. 
A nuclear family of deer
These are more of the numerous deer that live in my uncle's neighborhood. You may be thinking that I'm a terrible photographer and that this picture is extremely out of focus because I had to take it from a distance with high zoom to avoid frightening the little fawn, but, in reality, I just prefer my photographs to be a little soft sometimes, like it was taken with a soap opera filter over the lens.

1 comment:

  1. That photo gave me the shivers. Literally. Not the deer one, the other one. The vile one. Make those photos blurry from now on. Same goes for other scary creatures. :)
