Thursday, June 14, 2012

Breakfast of champions

I want the whole fence covered with
unruly vines like the section pictured in the background
Based on my hugely successful attempt at growing morning glories on a section of the chicken/duck-retaining fence surrounding the veggie gardens, a couple of weeks ago I decided to plant a few more morning glory seeds below each fence post to try for solid fence coverage. It's not there yet, but they are starting to bloom as the vines wind their way up the fence posts. You know I'm a sucker for morning glory flowers.

One of the new morning glory flowers
in a fancy new color, purplish


That first picture was not originally intended for use as an example of the sort of morning glory coverage I'm going for, but, rather, to capture the action as a spider gloated over his breakfast catch. He was a little shy at first, or maybe worried that I had designs on his fly, but he eventually calmed down so that I could get a better close up. 

A spider enjoying breakfast

The picture doesn't do his color justice. In the sunlight he's a really stunning chartreuse. You can just make out the little orange spots on his abdomen.

This butterfly plant attracts all manner of flying insects: butterflies (as the name suggests), non-buttered flies (as the picture suggests), moths, bees, and various other winged bugs that I've never bothered to identify. All in all, an ideal spot for a spider to set up shop. The reason I was even messing around in this bush was to try to get a picture of the weird flower balls it produces.

A ball of flowers at the end of a butterfly plant stem


  1. Great bug pictures! That spider's going to double in size.

  2. Creepy bug pictures! So, do you think in a couple of months when I go to the backyard every few days to take pictures, the new tenants will care? Or do you think it will creep them out? Either way, I shall make sure your bugs are photographed. I mean, what will they do without it. They expect the paparazzi by now. We can't disappoint!

  3. By the way, my captcha on my last comment was a tattooed #8 on arm and some symbols. The one before that was candle flames with numbers in them and a word. These things are so odd.
