Friday, June 15, 2012

I changed the locks on my front door (or will soon)

I spend all week, like everybody, working for the weekend. In addition to keeping this blog fresh and compelling (which taxes both my brain and liver), lately I've been playing the part of a real estate agent trying to find the perfect tenants for our house. As you have probably realized, I'm very attached to our sublimely odd little house and garden and that means I take our tenant search very seriously.

This week's Friday, End-of-the-Week, Blogging-Wrap-up, Musical Interlude vaguely reflects the sort of thing I concern myself with while not blogging these days. Although, we're just moving and not trying to hide from some crazy ex. I guess in some sense, this Lucinda song is a nice response to Gotye (who seems like someone's crazy ex) last week. I was never a huge fan of Lucinda Williams until I saw her live a few years back. Ever since I've loved her.

Obligatory gardening-related material:
Rose Mallow (could also be some unfortunate lady's name)
I've snapped a few pictures of the flowers from my rose mallow (also known as hardy hibiscus) because they are really pretty. Until now, the opportunity to post one never really came up. But, since I have nothing else today, an opportunity has presented itself.

A few interesting things about this plant are as follows:
The numerous flowers on the plant look like small (quarter to silver dollar-sized) hibiscus flowers. They last one day or a little less if it's super hot and humid (so usually a little less). The plant tolerates heat and drought nicely. I don't think I've ever watered it in four years. It's more tolerant of cold than a normal hibiscus, but it dies back to the ground with a hard freeze. That's not really a problem though, because it grows back really fast in the spring.


  1. Also, from what I remember, each flower only lasts a day. I could be wrong, some lady told me that a while back.

    And you know how reliable those old wives can be.
