Friday, June 29, 2012

Pinball Wizard

Welcome to Friday and our weekly tradition of the Friday, End-of-the-Week, Blogging-Wrap-up, Musical Interlude. As usual, the song has absolutely nothing to do with anything. It simply meets my main criteria of being a song that I thought of and exists in some form as a Youtube video.

You'll have to excuse the total lack of effort in today's blog. Your humble blogger is feeling a bit under the weather today. I stayed up too late playing pinball at an arcade last night (exactly the sort of thing all us thirty-somethings do). Something about playing pinball really makes me feel bad the next morning. It's probably all the beer.

Since this is ostensibly a gardening blog, here is a picture from the garden. Enjoy.

Little tomatoes ripening


  1. Dear NCG,
    I know that this blog is about gardening, drinking, and other witty observations and I hate to add to your blogging workload, but I humbly submit a request for the addition of an occasional recipe. Specifically the mind blowing brussel sprouts and that fancy (non alcoholic) punch that we bourboned up like kids at the prom.

  2. Can you throw in a recipe for the twice fried green bean in venison lettuce wraps? Those made it down my shirt, and I didn't even mind. In fact, sucking the juice of my buttons made me happier than I would like to admit!
